Faculty Advisors
The TCU Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) is the heart and soul of the Pre-Health Institute. HPAC consists of faculty members who teach Pre-Health courses and advise Pre-Health students – thus the committee gets to know our students very well.
Our advisors have an open-door policy and care deeply about their students. Committee members help students select courses and assess each student’s academic progress at least once a semester. In addition, faculty members provide career counseling regarding the health professions and evaluate – both for the student and for the professional schools – the student’s suitability for entering the profession.
HPAC also offers “mock” or practice professional school interviews that afford all applicants the opportunity to hone their skills in traditional one-on-one and multi-mini interview formats before they experience the real thing at health professions schools.
Finally, our students take an Introduction to Pre-Health course as first-year students and Pre-Health Professional Development course as juniors or seniors. These two “bookend” courses serve to orient students to all the resources offered by our committee and provide them with all they need to know to develop a successful application to professional school, respectively.

DR. GIRI AKKARAJUBiology Department Winton Scott 416g.akkaraju@tcu.edu

DR. GARY BOEHMPsychology Department Sid Rich 334g.boehm@tcu.edu

DR. ELLEN BROOMPsychology Department Winton Scott 386e.w.broom@tcu.edu

DR. MATT CHUMCHAL ChairBiology Department Winton Scott 405m.m.chumchal@tcu.edu

DR. MIKE CHUMLEYBiology Department Sid Rich 342m.chumley@tcu.edu

DR. JEFF COFFERChemistry Department Sid Rich 419j.coffer@tcu.edu

DR. BRENTON COOPERPsychology Departmentbrenton.cooper@tcu.edu

DR. MATHEW CRAWFORDPre-health Professions Institute Sid Rich 258mathew.crawford@tcu.edu

MS. MOLLI CRENSHAWBiology Department Winton Scott 360Cmolli.crenshaw@tcu.edu

DR. MEREDITH CURTISBiology Department Winton Scott 436Am.curtis@tcu.edu

DR. MARK DEMARESTBiology Department Winton Scott 431m.demarest@tcu.edu

REBECCA DORITYNutritional Sciences Bass 1201r.dority@tcu.edu

DR. SOPHIA GARCIABiology Department Winton Scott 380sophia.garcia@tcu.edu

DR. ZYGMUNT (KAROL) GRYCZYNSKIPhysics and Astronomy Department Sid Rich 182k.gryczynski@tcu.edu

DR. GINA JARMAN HILLNutritional Sciences Bass 1201g.jarman@tcu.edu

DR. DOUG INGRAMPhysics and Astronomy Department Sid Rich 315D.Ingram@tcu.edu

DR. MARLO JEFFRIESBiology Department Winton Scott 506m.jeffries@tcu.edu

DR. CLARK JONESBiology Department Winton Scott 411c.jones2@tcu.edu

DR. ASHLEY LAKODUKBiology Department Winton Scott 426a.lakoduk@tcu.edu

DR. LAURA LUQUEBiology Department Winton Scott 432l.luque@tcu.edu

DR. SHAUNA MCGILLIVRAYBiology Department Winton Scott 414s.mcgillivray@tcu.edu

DR. DAVE MINTERChemistry Department Sid Rich 433D.minter@tcu.edu

DR. MIKE MISAMOREBiology Department Winton Scott 417m.misamore@tcu.edu

DR. GREGORY REPASKYPsychology Departmentg.t.repasky@tcu.edu

DR. MIKAELA STEWARTBiology Department Winton Scott 521mikaela.stewart@tcu.edu

DR. DAVID STONETri-County Surgical Partnersdavidstonedo@sbcglobal.net

DR. ANNE VANBEBERNutritional Sciences Bass 1201a.vanbeber@tcu.edu

STEPHANIE WALLACEBiology Department Winton Scott 360Bstephanie.wallace@tcu.edu